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Published on 12.08.2023

Embark on a Healing Journey

Step into a world of transformation, rejuvenation, and inner exploration at the Healing Area. As you embark on this unique journey, allow yourself to be enveloped in a realm of healing practices, workshops, and experiences that aim to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Whether you're seeking relaxation, self-discovery, or simply a moment of serenity amidst the festival's vibrant energy, the Healing Area offers a diverse array of activities that invite you to reconnect with yourself and the universe around you.

Opening Ceremony

Join us on Thursday evening for the opening ceremony of Mumush 3.0, where we'll collectively open our hearts, minds, and bodies. As the beat of the drums sets the rhythm, let your intentions and curiosity guide you toward the start of your Mumush experience. Together, we'll create a powerful moment of unity and connection that will resonate throughout the festival.

Synergy Yoga with Madaras Ágnes

Experience Yoga Synergy, a practice that actively engages your body in postures while maintaining a sense of relaxation. Madaras Ágnes - YoGica will guide you through sequences designed to mobilize your spine, improve joint mobility, and unblock energetic blockages. Embrace the benefits of improved physical and mental balance as you find harmony between movement and stillness.

Ayurveda and Vinyasa Yoga with Judith

Discover the profound relationship between yoga, mantras, breath, and movement during Judith's sessions. Through mantras, breathwork, and gentle movements, explore the synergy between your inner and outer worlds. Delve into a practice that promotes self-awareness, inner strength, and inner peace.

Therapeutic Massage of the Feet by Mada

Mada returns to the Healing Area to teach participants the art of foot massage. Learn techniques to soothe and relax the feet, and enhance your understanding of the body's interconnectedness. Mada will also offer massage sessions at designated times, providing a space for rejuvenation and self-care.

Psychedelic Sound Journey with Antique Singing Bowls and Gong - held by Bogdan Bufnea

Immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds of Himalayan singing bowls and gongs, crafted to create a psychedelic sonic journey. The hypnotic patterns, binaural beats, and unearthly sounds will transport you to otherworldly dimensions. Let the resonances of the gong envelop you as you journey through a symphony of sound and consciousness.

Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls by Bogdan Bufnea

Experience a meditative journey guided by the soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls. Immerse yourself in a symphony of harmonic vibrations that connect you to the essence of sound and inner stillness. Allow the bowls to lead you into a state of deep meditation and self-awareness.

AcroYoga by Stanik Bence

Explore the fusion of yoga, acrobatics, and partner work in AcroYoga. Strengthen your body, improve balance, and cultivate trust through collaborative movements and inversions. Experience the joyful interplay between strength and flexibility in a practice that fosters connection and camaraderie.

Cacao Ceremony - Loving Our Inner Mumush by the Healing Crew

Participate in a ceremonial cacao experience that opens your heart and facilitates connection. Ceremonial cacao has been used for healing and heart-opening purposes for centuries. Join us around the fireplace in the Healing Area as we journey through a meditative exploration, setting intentions, singing songs, and embracing the energy of love.

Dance Therapy - with Ruszuly Ervin and Sára

Dance is a universal language that connects body, mind, and spirit. Ruszuly Ervin and Sára invite you to explore the transformative power of dance, allowing movement to educate, heal, and liberate. Through dance, discover a new dimension of reality that fosters connection and self-expression.

Presentation of Sweat Lodge Ceremonies by Kobzi

Learn about the origin and traditions of sweat lodge ceremonies in a presentation by Kobzi. Explore the significance and practices of this ancient ritual that promotes spiritual and physical purification. Visit the sweat lodge built on Mumush land and gain insights into the profound wisdom of sweat lodge ceremonies.

Psychedelic Sharing Circle with Kati

Join a sharing circle that encourages deep listening, reflection, and spiritual growth. Explore and share your psychedelic experiences in a safe and sacred space, fostering understanding, acceptance, and connection. Dive into a circle of open-hearted dialogue and support as you integrate your experiences.

Beyond Healing - Your Own Music Medicine by Sabin

Activate your authentic voice and explore spontaneous singing, playing, and movement in this interactive session. Discover the healing power of sound as you engage in a musical journey of self-expression and self-discovery. Bring your own instrument or simply your willingness to explore the realm of sound.

Coming Home - Immersion in Nature by Alexandra

Embrace the wisdom of ecotherapy and forest bathing as you reconnect with the natural world. Slow down and savor life through mindful walks, sensory experiences, and a profound connection with nature. Allow the forest to guide you towards inner restoration and self-awareness as you immerse yourself in the healing embrace of the natural world.

Tantra Mantra Singing Circle by Spirit Soundz

Experience the weaving of Tantra and Mantra practices in a session of meditation, exploration, and wonder. Engage in the power of sound as you chant mantras and explore conscious movement. Strengthen the matrix of love through sound and presence, fostering connection and unity.

Men's and Women's Circles by Sabin Mureșan and Amalia Ghiban

Participate in separate circles for men and women, creating spaces of authenticity, trust, and celebration. Engage in conversations about masculinity, self-leadership, and nurturing relationships. Women gather to support each other, opening their hearts and
  • Gaia Leadership Masculinity (Men Circle)
Engage in conversations about masculinity and self-tribe leadership grounded in nature's principles. Explore your calling and response as a man in service of life, fostering self-discovery and unity.
  • Women's Circle
Women gather in a circle of support, allowing vulnerability and owning their reflections as mirrors of self-growth. Embrace a safe space to share and celebrate each other's journeys, fostering healing and empowerment.

Reflections on our Mumushes - Integration Game Playing Session

Delve into a self-discovery journey through an integration game-playing session, guided by Sabin Muresan. Engage in profound reflection and connection, allowing festival experiences and inner revelations to integrate before moving forward.
As you venture into the Healing Area, let the offerings envelop you in a realm of self-discovery, transformation, and unity. Embrace the opportunity to reconnect with yourself and the community, as you explore a tapestry of healing practices and experiences that will resonate long after the festival concludes.